Topography 2
Martin, 33
Bäckeranlage [Zurich]
Martin and his girlfriend had made themselves comfortable on the lawn at Bäckeranlage. Enjoying doing nothing, that was their aim. A book vernissage of a Japanese architect was the highlight of his week. He had participated in it and had met the architect personally on a trip to Japan.
When he hears the term culture, the first thing he thinks of is the foreign; the foreign from his own cultural background to another, different cultural background and foreign countries.
When he hears the term culture, the first thing he thinks of is the foreign; the foreign from his own cultural background to another, different cultural background and foreign countries.

︎︎︎ Capture values
︎︎︎ favorite number
︎︎︎ number of sibling
︎︎︎ random number
︎︎︎ favorite color
︎︎︎ draw a shape

Yves Klein blue

︎︎︎ Applied filter
Random number divided by number of sibling.
<if (the result is an integer)
{continue deviding the result by the number of sibling, until you get the smallest integer}>
<else (round the decimal number up or down)
{multiply by the smallest checksum of the random number // or by the last digit of the radndom number}
︎To begin with, the entered values are analyzed.
The transfer does not take place blindly. They pass through a filter and are checked in terms of their usefulness for implementation. This partial and selective approach is referred to as partial acculturation. In contrast to this, there are two other forms of acculturation – unilateral and reciprocal acculturation. In the former, the adoption of the foreign culture only comes from one side; in reciprocal acculturation, the adoption is bilateral.
The filter allows some leeway, just as deviations from norms are tolerated to a certain degree within a society.

︎︎︎ Conducted rules
The smallest integer (obtained by multiple division) is the number of rounds to successively expand the topography.
The favorite number is the factor of reduction of the original shape while keeping the position within the format.